We Offer Oral Conscious Sedation

We Offer Oral Conscious Sedation!

TeamSedation Dentistry

Greater Boston Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is proud to offer oral conscious sedation for the benefit of our patients. It is common for children to experience anxiety or fear when it comes to receiving dental treatment, especially restorative procedures. But oral conscious sedation offers a mild level of sedation that helps children relax and feel more comfortable. In most cases they won’t remember anything about the procedure later on. 

What is Oral Conscious Sedation? 

Oral conscious sedation can be prescribed in pill or liquid form for the child to take before they arrive for their dental procedure. A common type of oral sedative is midazolam, which provides the desired effect of relaxation. It may also cause drowsiness, which is a normal side effect. The child will be conscious, with the ability to talk and respond to requests. It is common for them to doze off during the procedure. 

Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation 

Oral conscious sedation provides many benefits for children: 

  • Comes in oral form (no needles). Children often have a fear of needles, but oral conscious sedation can be taken orally, in pill or liquid form so that relaxation can take effect without the use of a needle. Then if needles are required later, the child will be unaware. 
  • Provides relaxation assistance. Some children are too anxious or afraid to relax and get the dental care they need. Oral conscious sedation helps them feel calm and comfortable. 
  • Relieves dental anxiety. Oral conscious sedation has been successful at relieving dental anxiety, both immediately and for the long term. 
  • Reduces stress for children and parents. Sedation takes the stress out of dental procedures, for both children and their parents. 

Is My Child a Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation? 

Does your child begin worrying about going to the dentist days or weeks in advance? Do they cry or throw tantrums, making it very difficult to get them to go to the dentist at all? Do they get so upset that they can’t sit still in the dental chair, creating an unsafe situation? Are they afraid of needles? These are all common signs and symptoms of dental anxiety. If your child exhibits any of these behaviors, they may be a candidate for oral conscious sedation.

A complete medical history and list of medications will be gathered before any type of sedation is administered to ensure that it is a safe option for your child. If there are any medical conditions that would make sedation risky, your child’s pediatrician may need to provide approval. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Conscious Sedation 

Can I stay with my child while they are having their dental procedure?

If it would make you and your child more comfortable, you are welcome to accompany them to the procedure room. We would prefer just one parent to be in the room during the procedure. 

How long does it take for oral sedation to wear off? 

It can take a few hours for the effects of oral sedation to completely wear off. It is best for your child to rest at home for the remainder of the day following their dental procedure. By the following day they will most likely be able to resume regular daily activities. 

Talk to Us About Oral Conscious Sedation Today 

If you think your child could benefit from oral conscious sedation, please contact us today to learn more about our sedation options. We offer nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. 

To learn more, call 1-617-472-5437 (KIDS) or contact us today to schedule an appointment.